No |
Tahun |
Judul |
Penerbit |
Penulis |
1 |
2021 |
Desain Multimedia Pembelajaran Tari Rakyat Berbasis Android Sebagai Self Directed Learning Mahasiswa Dalam Perkuliahan |
MUDRA Jurnal Seni Budaya 36 (1), 96-105 |
Heni Komalasari, Agus Budiman, Juju Masunah, Ayo Sunaryo |
2 |
2019 |
Entrepreneurship and Art Education Tourism: A Study on Results of Management Skills Training Program for Students |
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education 19 (2), 193-203 |
Trianti Nugraheni, Agus Budiman, Yudi Sukmayadi |
3 |
2020 |
The Effect of Architecture of Arts Education Tourism Towards Interest in Learning Arts for High School Students |
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education 20 (2), 117-125 |
Agus Budiman, Trianti Nugraheni, Purnomo Purnomo |
4 |
2020 |
Rekreasi, Hiburan, Belajar: Studi Kegiatan Wisata Seni dan Budaya di Saung Angklung Udjo |
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS) 3 (2), 693-702 |
Trianti Nugraheni, Agus Budiman, Dewi Rachmawati |
5 |
2020 |
The Role of Higher Education in Developing Student Entrepreneurial Capabilities |
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24 (9) |
Agus Budiman, Achmad Hufad, Uyu Wahyudin, Ade Sadikin Akhyadi, Nani Sutarni, Abdul Rahmat |
6 |
2021 |
Wix Web-Based Dance Learning Media to Support Teaching in The Pandemic Era in High School |
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education 21 (1), 178-191
Frahma Sekarningsih, Agus Budiman, Gaung Rizki Gustiaji |
7 |
2021 |
Membentuk Karakter Kreatif: Bergerak Melalui Stimulus Permainan Tradisional |
Jurnal PGSD: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar 14 (1), 1-11 |
Agus Budiman, Dewi Karyati |
8 |
2021 |
The Comparison of Offline Class Learning Outcomes by Applying Online Class Learning Models for Practice Subject to the Dancing Art Students, Faculty of Art and Design Education |
3rd International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2020), 185-190 |
Yuliawan Kasmahidayat, Agus Budiman, Ria Sabaria |
9 |
2021 |
Music Technology |
3rd International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2020), 21-25 |
Henri Nusantara, Iwan Gunawan, Agus Budiman |
10 |
2021 |
KREATIVITAS & TARI: Studi Eksperimen Penerapan Model Air (Auditory Intellectually Repetition) Dalam Pembelajaran Tari |
Journal of Dance and Dance Education Studies 1 (1), 37-44 |
Agus Budiman |
11 |
2021 |
Ringkang: Kajian Seni Tari dan Pendidikan Seni Tari 1 (1), 36-44 |
Sofa Nurhikmah Tesa, Heni Komalasari, Agus Budiman |
12 |
2021 |
Ringkang: Kajian Seni Tari dan Pendidikan Seni Tari |
Metha Liantina Eka Putri, Tati Narawati, Agus Budiman |
13 |
Ringkang: Kajian Seni Tari dan Pendidikan Seni Tari |
Endah Resnayanti, Heny Rohayani, Agus Budiman |
14 |
2021 |
Government Policy, Local Culture, Education |
changes 37, 41 |
Henri Nusantara, Agus Budiman, Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi, Totok Sumaryanto, M Florentinus |
15 |
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
Agus Budiman
16 |
2020 |
Model Pelatihan Tari: Penguatan Kompetensi Pedagogik & Profesionalisme Guru |
Panggung 30 (4) |
Agus Budiman, Ria Sabaria, Purnomo Purnomo
17 |
2020 |
Model Home Industri Seni: Studi Hasil Pelatihan Pembuatan Busana Tari Dalam Membantu Kemandirian Ekonomi Keluarga |
journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS) 3 (2), 682-692
Dewi Karyati, Agus Budiman, Heny Rohayani
18 |
2019 |
Art Education Tourism Model: Study on the Implementation of Art Education Tourism Model in Sanggar Saung Udjo-Indonesia |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 178-182 |
Agus Budiman, Mustofa Kamil, Achmad Hufad
19 |
2020 |
Local Wisdom-Based Dance Learning: Teaching Characters to Children through Movements. |
Elementary School Forum (Mimbar Sekolah Dasar) 7 (3), 304-326 |
Dedi Rosala, Agus Budiman |
20 |
2019 |
Art Education Tourism Model: Study on the Implementation of Art Education Tourism Model in Sanggar Saung Udjo-Indonesia |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 178-182 |
Agus Budiman, Mustofa Kamil, Achmad Hufad |
21 |
2020 |
Gerak Relationship Pada Permainan Anak Sunda Sebagai Sumber Penciptaan Komposisi Tari Anak |
Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 4 (2), 1076-1086
Ayo Sunaryo, Juju Masunah, Tati Narawati, Trianti Nugraheni
22 |
2020 |
Concept Of Children’s Dance Composition Based Traditional Games In Elementary School |
JPsd (Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar) 6 (1), 100-113 |
Ayo Sunaryo, Tati Narawati, Juju Masunah, Trianti Nugraheni
23 |
2019 |
Exploring ENGKLE Learning Model for Prospective Teacher in Creating Game-Based Children Dance Composition
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 45-48
Ayo Sunaryo, Juju Masunah, Tati Narawati, Trianti Nugraheni
24 |
2018 |
Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Kasundaan Berbasis Pembelajaran Tari Pakujajar di SMP Negeri 5 Sukabumi |
Panggung 28 (2), 298377
Ayu Vinlandari Wahyudi, Tati Narawati, Trianti Nugraheni |
25 |
2020 |
Pengkajian Gaya Busana Tari Jaipongan Karya Sang Maestro |
Gondang: Jurnal Seni dan Budaya 4 (1), 9-15 |
Muhamad Caesar Jumantri, Trianti Nugraheni |
26 |
2019 |
Learning dance Likok Pulo through scientific methods for creativity |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 153-157 |
Yeni Zuryaningsih, Tati Narawati, Trianti Nugraheni |
27 |
2019 |
Building Performing Arts Community through Bandung Isola Performing Arts Festival (BIPAF) in Indonesia |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 169-173 |
Juju Masunah, Trianti Nugraheni, Yudi Sukamayadi |
28 |
2019 |
Strengthening Competence of Dancers |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 105-109 |
Fitri Kurniati, Trianti Nugraheni |
29 |
2019 |
Study of Instilling the Social Values of Hadih Maja in Tarek Pukat Dance |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 283-286 |
Puspa Hildayani, Tati Narawati, Trianti Nugraheni |
30 |
2019 |
Pencak Silat Banten as a Martial Arts |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 97-101
Awit Gending, Trianti Nugraheni |
31 |
2019 |
Pengembangan Modul Tari Berbasis Digital untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Sekolah Menengah Tari |
Gondang: Jurnal Seni Dan Budaya 3 (2), 119-127 |
Eko Purnomo, Trianti Nugraheni |
32 |
2021 |
Double Role of Dancers in the Rampak Terbang Dance |
3rd International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2020), 33-37 |
Yogi Hadiansyah, Juju Masunah, Trianti Nugraheni |
33 |
2021 |
The Uniqueness of Malay Zapin Dance Choreography |
3rd International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2020), 101-103 |
Riri Triyani, Juju Masunah, Trianti Nugraheni |
34 |
2021 |
Art Perform in Saung Angklung Udjo as Memorable Tourism Experience |
3rd International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2020), 43-48 |
Laras Ramadhania Putri, Trianti Nugraheni, Juju Masunah |
35 |
2019 |
Students’ Perspectives on the Use of TMS Model in Teaching Dance, Indonesia |
Proceedings of the 2019 5th International Conference on Education and Training Technologies |
Andi DwiResqi Pramana, Trianti Nugraheni |
36 |
2019 |
Learning Dance Creation Based on Literacy to Increase Student Creativity at Junior High School 2 Katapang |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 150-152 |
Komarasari Komarasari, Trianti Nugraha |
37 |
2019 |
Better Late than Never: Strengthening the Role of Women in Performing Arts in the Millennial Era |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 238-242 |
Trianti Nugraheni |
38 |
2019 |
The Changing Formation of Guel Dance in Gayo, Aceh, Indonesia |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 158-161 |
Nanda Wahyuni, Tati Narawati, Trianti Nugraheni |
39 |
2019 |
Anak Dance in Custom Ceremony Mallaulu in Simeulue Island, Indonesia |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 274-278 |
Citra Dewi Maysarah, Trianti Nugraheni |
40 |
2019 |
Creation Dance Learning through Project Based Learning to Build Students Characters |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 162-164 |
Gisel Tanjung Oktarina Dwi Pratiwi, Juju Masunah, Trianti Nugraheni |
41 |
2019 |
Educational Value Within Lampung’s Hadrah Dance |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 41-44 |
Gita Shervina, Trianti Nugraheni |
42 |
2021 |
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) |
3rd International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2020), 237-239 |
Heni Komalasari, Dewi Karyati, Frahma Sekarningsih, Heny Rohayani |
43 |
2019 |
Lesson Study in Dancing Art Learning to Improve Competences of Elementary Students in Sumedang |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 253-257 |
Dewi Karyati |
44 |
2021 |
Internalisasi Nilai Tri-Silas melalui Pembelajaran Tari Anak Berbasis Budaya Lokal |
Jurnal Obsesi: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 5 (2), 1973-1986 |
Dedi Rosala, Juju Masunah, Tati Narawati, Tri Karyono, Ayo Sunaryo |
45 |
2020 |
Tri Silas Value in the Choreography of Sundanese Tradition Children’s Game |
3rd International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2020), 120-124 |
Ayo Sunaryo |
46 |
2019 |
Arts and design education for character building |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 165-168 |
Tati Narawati |
47 |
2019 |
Learning Model of Creative Dance for Early Childhood |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 188-191 |
Hayani Wulandari, Mubiar Agustin, Tati Narawati, Juju Masunah |
48 |
2020 |
Art and Culture in Character Education |
The 2ndInternational Conference on Elementary Education 2 (1), 1292-1297 |
Ridwan Simon, Tati Narawati, Uus Karwati, Yudi Sukmayadi |
49 |
2019 |
Relationship between Boboko and Women in Logoko Boboko Dance |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 110-113 |
Fitri Deviani, Tati Narawati |
50 |
2018 |
Pencugan Ibing Penca Topeng Pendul Kabupaten Karawang |
Panggung 28 (1), 298366 |
Dedi Rosala, Agus Supriyatna, Ace Iwan Suryawan |
51 |
2020 |
Organizing Bandung Isola Performing Arts Festival (BIPAF) As A Market of Innovative Performing Arts in Indonesia |
Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education 20 (1), 47-57
Yudi Sukmayadi, Juju Masunah |
52 |
2020 |
Study of the Form of the Gamelan Glundeng Performance in the Totta’an Dhereh Tradition in Bondowoso |
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Arts and Design Education |
Dedy Setyawan, Tri Karyono, Rita Milyartini, Juju Masunah |
53 |
2018 |
Kris as a Symbol of Statehood in Indonesia |
International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018), 20-22 |
Diana Aniesah Rahman, Juju Masunah
54 |
2019 |
Analysing factors for community participation in tourism development |
THE Journal: Tourism and Hospitality Essentials Journal 9 (1), 39-44 |
Heri Puspito Diyah Setiyorini, Rini Andari, Juju Masunah |
55 |
2020 |
Pemanfaatan Potensi Budaya Lokal melalui Sanggar Seni Pertunjukan untuk Event Pariwisata di Cirebon |
SOSIOHUMANIKA 13 (1), 25-44 |
Juju Masunah, Yoyoh Siti Mariah, Yanti Heriyawati |
56 |
2020 |
The Learning Method of Traditional Dance on Hard Hearing Students |
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research 419, 129-133 |
Intan Purnamasari, Juju Masunah |
57 |
2020 |
Environmental Themed Dance Learning to Improve Down Syndrome Students’ Cognitive Abilities With Audio Visual Media at SMK RA KARTINI |
3rd International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2020), 213-216 |
Sidqia Nurfadilah, Juju Masunah, Yuliawan Kasmahidayat |
58 |
2020 |
Analysis of The Implementation of Creative Dance in Early Childhood Education |
Indonesian Journal of Early Childhood Education Studies 9 (2), 105-111 |
Hayani Wulandari, Juju Masunah, Tati Narawati, Mubiar Agustin
59 |
Peran Perguruan Tinggi dalam Mengembangkan Industri Kreatif Sub Sektor Seni Pertunjukan di Indonesia |
Ilmu Pendidikan, Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 1 |
Juju masunah |
60 |
2020 |
Virtual Reality Design as Digital Learning Media in Preserving Local Culture of Tarawangsa Art |
International Journal of Criminology and Sociology
Prananda Luffiansyah, and Heni Komalasari, Suwandi Sumartias, Aat Ruchiat Nugraha, Iriana Bakti, Susie Perbawasari, Priyo Subekti, Rosnandar Romli, Erick Paulus, Yuda Aprimulyana, Seniwati |
61 |
2021 |
Model Wisata Pendidikan Seni Tari Berbasis Literasi Website |
Journal of Dance and Dance Education Studies 1 (1), 18-27 |
Heny Rohayani |
62 |
2020 |
Cingciripit : Perminan Anak-Anak Sunda Dalam Pembelajaran Tari. |
Gondang ,vol 4, no 1 |
Ria Sabaria |
63 |
2018 |
Saman Dance and Children Prosocial Behavior |
Atlantis press |
Ria Sabaria |
64 |
2020 |
Multi Ethnic Value in Dodogeran Dance |
The 3st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |
65 |
2020 |
Improving the Professionalism of Cultural Arts educators Through Online base |
The 3st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |
66 |
2020 |
Social Values in Jalur Dance |
The 3st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |
67 |
2020 |
The Creative Process of Creating Ringkang Haleuang Dance |
The 3st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |
68 |
2019 |
The Company of Dance Contume Rental in Arga Studio Bandung, Indonesi |
The 2st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |
69 |
2019 |
Jurung Rahayu Dance in Feesh Seed Ceremony in Cianjur Indonesia |
The 2st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |
70 |
2019 |
The Learning Method of Traditional Dance on Hard Hearing Students |
The 2st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |
71 |
2018 |
Building the Competence of Culture Arts Teachers in Inclusive School in Bandung City |
The 1st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |
72 |
2018 |
Could Students with Mild Intellectual dissbilities memorize Numbers through Dance |
The 1st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |
73 |
2018 |
Learning Model of Creative dance for Early Childhood |
The 1st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |
74 |
2018 |
Active Learning Models in Indonesia |
The 1st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |
75 |
2018 |
Building Performing Arts Community Through Bandung Isola Performing Arts Festival (Bipaf) In Indonesia
(Penulis Pertama)
The 1st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |
76 |
2018 |
Function And Form of Tari Gendong From Akit Tribe In The District of Meranti Island, Province of Riau, Indonesia
(Penulis Kedua) |
The 1st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |
77 |
2018 |
Keris As A State Symbol In Indonesia
(Penulis kedua)
The 1st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE) |
Juju masunah |